I chase the quaint, the quiet, sometimes the most desolate places and spaces, capturing beautiful images....bringing home peace, calmness, a sense of freedom, and inspiration to the hearts and souls of my viewers.

In Memory of her...
My Latest collection, dedicated to the loss of my sister
There are many ways I keep the memories of my sister close to me. Through my art is one of them, by capturing the things she loved most.

My sole intention to help you...
I hold tight to my vision of stepping away from the busyness, the materialistic, the cruelty of this world, creating art to not only bring beauty and nature into my own life, but to bring this beauty and calmness into your life as well. There is no denying, this world has gotten to each and every one of us...in some way or another. It is only by your own choices, you can create a path to bring this beauty and calmness into your own life.
I am so deeply passionate about hanging onto what's real, what's true, what brings the mind back to peace and not away from it. I long to share this vision of peace I find, with you, through my art.
Nature is so beautiful, so magnificent, so available, yet so often looked over by things that hurry your mind.
I want to make you stop.
I want to help you slow down.
Why? Because it matters...
Because one day looking back on life, all the busyness won't matter. The phones and fancy cars and likes and number of followers won't matter.
Yet connection will. Real connection always will.
Through my art I want to help make you stop…even if only for a moment…to remind you once again… the beauty of our world…the beauty you once held so close to your heart before the materialistic world stepped in, setting 'unrealistic standards' and false perceptions of how life 'should' be. Revealing once again, the truth held deep within and the truth to what your soul deeply longs for.