Hard to believe we are headed back home. I feel almost a pain in my heart, for it hurts to leave a place like this. The Faroe Islands are, by far, one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. You cannot visit a place like this and not come home a changed person.
Yes, the Faroe Islands are magical. They hold such a raw beauty to them. There is a sense of a simplistic, pure way of living upon these islands that brings me once again to question our own way of living.
In America, where I am from, there is excess. More than excess I see. Too much money spent on things not needed, too much food wasted, too many homes filled with things not touched in years. Cheap clothes bought and wasted, toys tossed in the garbage and not always repurposed. Too many needing the 'newest and the latest'. Too much media consumed, too many ad's placed in front of children. I could go on and on and on. I am sure it is like that in many places of the world, not just America. Sadly, many fall into the 'consumer driven' way of life, and lose their 'purpose driven' life all over 'things'.
Visiting the Farose reminds me once again, how little we really need not only to get by but to actually thrive. Simple, clutter-free, cleanly decorated homes, no big named department stores with shelves lined of plastics and endless isles of harmful cleaning chemicals, and most importantly, not as many screens in the faces of children, brain washing them to live a consumer driven way of life.
Perhaps this is why I personally search out places like this. Perhaps this is why I chase the quaint and the quiet. The lone lands that only nature designs, not people with big agendas, to build building after building, ripping apart trees and homes from animals just to sell more and more merchandise.
There are many times I feel the way of living is almost backwards in much of the world. So many consume so much, in so many unimaginable ways, not even aware they are consuming more and more all while thinking it will 'fix' a problem. Yet in truth, the only way to 'fix' anything is to place yourself in nature and actually give your mind some clarity to actually think for yourself what you want out of this life. The only way to 'fix' anything is to get children off screens and out in nature to explore what the world is really about. We can all benefit from getting away from the consumer driven way of life and placing our self in situations we can be productive and creative.
One of my favorite quotes I have saved aside my computer is "Be in active creator, not a passive consumer". It might sound very harsh to some, especially to the ones who do not want to change their way of life. And if it is working, then keep at it. But I think that many reading this can clearly agree, our world has turned consumer based in ways we never imagined. And it's hurting all of us...from perhaps only in a small way, yet perhaps all the way to a large scale.
Being in the purity of the Faroe Islands, land untouched and clean, air pure to breathe, every moment and place mind calming, brought me to another world. We can all have this just by consuming less, shutting off the phone and stepping outside in nature and being open to the beautiful world we live in.
I hope you can take some time to step outside into nature and explore once again what our world 'really' has to offer. The simple, purity of nature.
I highly doubt it will ever disappoint.
Until next time...