Yesterday we visited the stunning lands of the Rock of Dunamase. Once a beautiful castle, now only ruins remain as a stunning little stone church sits out in the distance. It feels amazing to stand here on these ancient lands, wondering what life was once like way, way, back in the day. It's possible even my ancestors stood these grounds hundred's of years ago. What a wonderful place for my boys to explore. Dylan thought it was amazing to climb the stone walls and look out the highest windows he could reach.
The weather has been wonderful. Cloudy at times for pictures, but peaks of sun at times for warmth. And the flowers? They are spectacular. I think had we come at the and of July to early August, we'd see a bit more color, yet still the purple Heather remains on much of the land. It's just stunning.
Today we find ourselves at Annestown beach. Oh, this place is beautiful! Perfect timing as the tide was low and we were able to walk really far out upon the rocks. The boys were impressed with the rock pools and lost themselves in them for a few hours. Dylan caught a tiny eel fish, a crab, a shrimp and quite a few isopods. I collected rock after rock.
I am amazed at this earth every time I immerse myself in nature. How is all of this not only existing the way it does but with so much unmatched beauty? I feel there is nothing in the world that can beat the art and beauty of nature.
Driving along, I actually quite enjoyed my hand at driving on the opposite side of the road. The highways were easy, the million round-a-bouts I got used to, but the tiny, little country roads...they were designed for horse-and-carriage for sure and now we're driving our mid-sized Volkswagen Caddy down them and at times, even a big red double decker bus will come at us on the right. It's a challenge. A challenge I am happy to take!
Until next time...