My Boys waiting at the airport to Ireland

On Our Way

Here I sit in the sky, on our way to Dublin, after a bloody 2 1/2 hour delay before take off. A 2 1/2 hour delay might not seem so bad, but when we had a 10:00 pm flight and two tired, restless boys, it was not the easiest. To say I'm a bit tired is putting it mildly, but my excitement over powers my burning eyes. At the moment it is 2 am and my little boy is fast asleep in the seat beside me while my older boy, Dylan is drinking his first drink out of a can...ever. (he's extremely excited...about the drink) A Minute Maid apple juice as he watches Sonic 2. It is quite the party life for him at the moment.

My husband looks as if he is just about out himself. I however, am staring at the little screen before me of the real time map of where we are headed. Looks like we are flying over Quebec. We've been there before, years back, when Dylan was five. He danced on the cobbled stone streets to the music from men playing as they handed him some bright red maracas to shake along. We walked the town at night, surrounded by little lights. It seems like so long ago. 

Yet now my mind drifts from my past travels to being flooded with excitement for what's to come. I am part Irish myself. I have never been to Ireland, but I can already picture the vast green lands without even setting foot there. 

I know it will take my breath away. The places I have visited always have. I know Ireland's beauty will reach me to my core. I already know even though we are miles and miles away. 

So yes, all is well as we are now well on our way to the beautiful Emerald Island!

Until Next time...


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